In the store at HyeLandz Eco Village Resort you can find pure mountain flower honey, a great variety of dried fruits, vegetables and herbs, preserves, jams and marmalade all made from the fruits and vegetables growing in the resort gardens, as well as fine seeds of various flowers, vegetables and herbs.
The store also offers a great variety of Armenian tea, made from wild herbs and flowers which are handpicked from the fields and sun dried, as well as fruit and berry teas and home made walnut, apple, plum and cherry liqueurs, mulberry, walnut, grape, peach, apple and apricot vodkas.
Embroidery, pottery, wooden, painted, knitted and other hand-made works of the villagers, as well as the "Unforgettable Songs" book (a collection of 105 Armenian songs with lyrics in Armenian and English letters, musical notes and the music on 2 CDs) can also be found in the store.
Please visit us at HyeLandz Eco Village Resort to see all the different varieties.